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Wiebke Wetzel

Customer Experience Training

Do you have a mission?

Do you have a mission for your customer service team? Does it inspire and motivate your employees and your customers? …Weiterlesen

Wiebke Wetzel8. Februar 2015

Don’t let processes get in the way of customer service!

Some days ago I came across an „Letter to a bank“ which goes around in social media currently. It is …Weiterlesen

Wiebke Wetzel4. Januar 2015

A refund is not enough

Imagine a customer who bought a commodity product in the supermarket. Sadly it was way beyond the expiry date and …Weiterlesen

Wiebke Wetzel13. Dezember 2014

Finding solutions, not problems

Some people see problems, some see the chance to find a solution. Which type are you? The fun of support …Weiterlesen

Wiebke Wetzel25. September 2014

Connect with a customer

While it is difficult to dazzle and surprise a customer in a normal service transaction sometimes we have the chance …Weiterlesen

Wiebke Wetzel14. September 2014

Changing habits

In the 60s Paul O’Neill completely turned around Alcoa, the world’s largest aluminum producer by changing one single thing: he …Weiterlesen

Wiebke Wetzel6. September 2014

The world was here first

Don’t go around saying that the world owes you something. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. Mark …Weiterlesen

Wiebke Wetzel31. August 2014

The escape the city

You feel stuck in your job and want to do something different? You want to change career, go on an …Weiterlesen

Wiebke Wetzel31. August 2014

Don’t listen to reply

„Most people do not listen with the intend to understand. Most people listen with the intend to reply.“ unknown authorWeiterlesen

Wiebke Wetzel23. Juni 2014

The fine line

Did you ever have to call support because your laptop suddenly wouldn’t boot? How did you like it when the …Weiterlesen

Wiebke Wetzel9. März 2014