A customer journey
We all attempt to deliver great service when in contact with a customer. Surprisingly our customers are still not always …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel8. September 2013The best service is the service our customers don’t need
When I look through customer feedback I frequently read „The Tech Support was great but I should not have needed …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel18. August 2013Trust your team
How often do your agents have to ask you for approval? They work on a case and have an idea …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel13. Juni 2013Together, not top down
How often do managers ask their people about what goes wrong in their company’s processes? And how often do they …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel8. Juni 2013What motivates us
Ever now and then I come back to this great video. Not only because of what it tells us but …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel8. Juni 2013Start with why
I love the TED conference talks and I spend many Sunday mornings cruising through inspiring talks. One of my all …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel4. November 2012Solving a customer’s pain
Hands up if you never had a customer case in which you failed to give the customer what he needed …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel4. November 2012Empower employees
About two years ago I read the book „Delivering Happiness“ from Tony Hsieh. He claims that one success factor of …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel26. September 2012Business Model Generation
Do you think about starting your own business? Or do you want to understand what is wrong with your employers …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel15. September 2012Taking ownership
Do you work for a large and complex company? In that case you may get feedback from customers that your …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel10. September 2012