Defining moments
One sentence can turn a customer into a promoter or a detractor. With one sentence you may let him know …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel9. September 2012Answer a customer’s feedback
Do you send out surveys to your customers? What do you do with the feedback you get? My mom recently …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel2. September 2012Voice of the customer
Customer service agents together with the sales team are most likely those in a company who are in closest contact …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel5. August 2012King customer
In Germany we have the saying „the customer is the king“ which we use in the sense of „the customer …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel15. Juli 2012Delivering Happiness
A book that grew into a movement. Delivering happiness is the story of Tony Hsieh who failed in business several …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel23. Juni 2012Steal like an artist
Fun to read and makes you think about barriers you set yourself. By waiting until we are perfect in what …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel17. Juni 2012Pleasing customers
We all want to please our customers. Our companies have invested a vast amount of money into goodies and free …Weiterlesen
Wiebke Wetzel2. Juni 2012